Friday, September 14, 2012


1. Look at the tracking spreadsheet.  Find your name and look at Columns AS and AV.  

If it says "approved", then go to step 8 and 9. 

If it says "must resubmit", follow the rest of the directions.  

If those columns are blank, you must contact Mrs. Kirch via email, edmodo, or text and ask her for directions. (that means she hasn't graded yours yet because you turned it in late)

If those columns say #N/A, that means you never originally submitted it and must (1) submit the WSQ normally, (2) Contact Mrs. Kirch to ask her to grade your WSQ; (3) Resubmit if necessary.

2. Look at the spreadsheets for each concept and find your name

Chapter 2a Concept 1
Chapter 2a Concept 2
Chapter 2a Concept 3 

3. Any box highlighted in PINK you must resubmit fully and correctly.  Re-read the question in the top row.

4. To resubmit, follow these directions:
  • Log in to Edmodo.  If you don't remember your login, send me an email or text message asking for your login information
  • Send me a private note (make sure the "Send To" box says "Mrs. Crystal Kirch")
  • In the note, tell me
    • Which Concept you are resubmitting
    • What your fully correct answer is
5. If you have to resubmit MORE THAN ONE, you must send me MORE THAN ONE NOTE, one for each concept.

6. Make sure you check for my reply.  I will either respond with "approved, thank you", or I will ask another question.  You must continue to respond until I say "approved, thank you".

7. Any student with EITHER CONCEPT from Chapter 2a Concepts 1-2 not approved will receive a support card on Thursday.  The deadline for Chapter 2a Concept 3 (and 4) will be upcoming.

8. Once you have resubmitted, go back through the videos for Concept 1-2.  Check your notes to make sure they are complete.  Re-watch the videos to hear me explain it again.  Work on your PQ problems and make sure your steps make sense and your answers are correct.

9. Smile and have a great rest of your weekend!

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